In-depth knowledge of the workings of government and the Francophonie make Francopol a key partner in developing and implementing political strategy.

Francopol’s primary objective is to get government decision makers to see and hear you, so that you can position yourself strategically for your success.

After working with you to identify your organization’s challenges, Francopol and its team will put your research, lobbying, coaching, communications or organizational strategy into action and coordinate meetings with decision makers.


 Francopol and its partners provide a range of turnkey solutions.
Click here to find out how Francopol can help you.


Le drapeau franco-nunavois- The Franco-Nunavut flagLe drapeau franco-ténois  - The Francophone Flag of the Northwest Territories Le drapeau franco-yukonnais  - The Franco-Yukon flag Le drapeau franco-colombien  - The Franco-Colombian flag Le drapeau franco-albertain  - The Franco-Albertan flag Le drapeau fransaskois  - The fransaskois flag Le drapeau franco-manitobain  - The Franco-Manitoban flag Le drapeau franco-ontarien - The Franco-Ontarian flag Le drapeau du Québec  - The Quebec flag Le drapeau national acadien - The Acadian national flag Le drapeau franco-terreneuvien  - The Franco-Newfoundland flag
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